[Update 1/30/2021 Testing is complete and the Big Apple Coaster is open daily 1-9pm]

On December 25, we reported New York-New York’s Big Apple Roller Coaster Suffers Derailment Testing New Cars. They have fixed the tracks, removed the broken cars that derailed and are currently running tests with the new cars with no riders.

The coaster was scheduled to reopen at the end of January. That has changed and the new coaster is now scheduled to reopen in early March, if things stay on track.

(Top photo was taken 1/23/2021 of the coaster being tested)

1/23/2021 Testing of the Big Apple Coaster at New York-New York
1/24/2021 Big Apple Coaster Reopening Early March
1/30/2021 Big Apple Coaster hours