This is the 153rd Las Vegas Fun Fact Quiz on There are many more to come. Test your Las Vegas knowledge here. This game is just for fun. Once you answer the 15 multiple choice questions press FINISH and see how well you did. Good luck!

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#1. When did the state legislature make prostitution illegal in Clark County, Nevada?

#2. At the Fremont Street Experience, is Viva Vision the world’s largest video screen?

#3. Do the back legs of the Eiffel Tower actually come down through the ceiling into the casino floor at Paris Las Vegas?

#4. The Luxor Hotel & Casino is named for the city in what country?

#5. Is there a 7-Eleven in downtown Las Vegas with a wedding chapel inside?

#6. Is there a Denny’s in downtown Las Vegas with a wedding chapel inside?

#7. Was the Animal Planet TV Show “Tanked” filmed in Las Vegas from 2011-2018?

#8. Did the Las Vegas Monorail begin operations in 1995 using two trains from Walt Disney World?

#9. Does the cable channel MTV have a permanent production facility on the Las Vegas Strip?

#10. What is the largest lake in the State of Nevada?

#11. Is there truly a 50/50 chance of getting heads or tails when flipping a coin?

#12. In 1945, did Burt Baskin and Irv Robbins open the first 31 flavors Ice Cream Shop in Las Vegas?

#13. In 1997, where did the Evander Holyfield vs. Mike Tyson fight take place, when Tyson bit off a piece of Holyfield’s ear?

#14. Where is Jimmy Kimmel’s Comedy Club located in Las Vegas?

#15. What law requires all people to be at least 21 years of age to gamble in Nevada?
